a little bit of this and a little bit of that

a little bit of this and a little bit of that
georgia peach

Monday, January 18, 2010

times of reflection.

I have been loving this Face book thing. It has given me a chance to reconnect with some of my "old" friends, and enabled me to make some new ones. Sometimes when a person moves or remarries, people can loose track of each other. One of my friends from 16 years ago, said I knew another Georgia but with a different last name... i quickly responded that I am that one that she knew way back when, so it will be interesting to get reconnected.
It is also funny how a reputation may precede us. A pastor friend that knew me as a teenager,oh my that was years ago... (AAAAAAAHHHHH) (OK, now that I'm done whining) he jokingly wrote a blog by Georgia called Gabbings. Apparently, he remembered that I was never really to shy, and generally spoke my mind, though it wasn't always wise.. gee seems I still struggle to keep the opinions to myself. My teenager would agree.
I was reading one of my very close friends responses in her Face book, she said she was fasting from Face book for a while, which I know she loves, so hopefully she won't be gone too long.. she said long before we had Face book there was a gadget invented called the telephone.It is a great point and one that I would like to comment on myself, if I may.
I laugh when I see my teenager, the fastest "texter" in the west I think... sitting right next to her friends on the coach and they are texting each other about the movie that they are watching. together in the same room.. what ever happened to good old conversation?
Pretty soon the Next generation is going to forget how to speak or to be able to carry on a meaningful conversation. The only thing they will be able to do is take a medicine for the aching thumbs and talk in text-gibberish that non texters like me would think is a foreign language.
My big question for the people in my generation and those that were here before me.... what did we ever do without cell phones and all this modern technology. We talked to our friends for 10 minutes on our telephones.. not land lines and we made lists to take with us to the store so we didn't have to call home from the grocery store and say "what is it that we need?"
How about when we are in the stall next to someone in the restroom and they start talking, it's so weird, it gets me every time. I always think they are talking to me. What gets me even more are the ones with "blue tooth..." a little gadget that looks like a hearing aid and I still haven't figured out how the smoke that thing works.
Listen to me, I sound like an "old lady", but it is good to have times of reflection, to remember how it used to be and to think about where we have come from. Better yet I am looking forward to where I am going and when I die, i want to be buried with fork in my right hand.
No, I'm not crazy, well, I take that back, I am crazy, but in a good way.. if there is such a thing. I want to have a fork in my hand... cuz if one person says "ah she looks so good... I'll poke them with the fork, no just kidding. really the real reason is ..
When dinner was over at Grandma's house, she used to say keep your fork cuz something better is coming. For me, I know that when my life comes to an end, I know there is something better coming. That is heaven for me and I hope that it will be for you too.

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