a little bit of this and a little bit of that

a little bit of this and a little bit of that
georgia peach

Monday, September 10, 2012

Fly Away Little Birdie ..Come Back Soon

This year, my life has dramatically changed. My first little hatching has flown the coop.. off to college. It is scary and awesome at the same time. The emotions are mixed with excitement and fear. I have always tried my best to raise her to be independent and to be able to take care of herself. Now that I took her to college, and she is all settled in... She says she is all grown up now.. I wonder I hope she eats right and gets enough rest. I hope that she takes precautions when getting into other people's cars...or going places that i know not of. The hard part for me, is that I have always protected my kids and they think too much at times.. so for me not to know where she is or whom she's with.. that is the tough part.. so I have to trust the Lord that He is able to keep her in his constant care. I pray that those few short years that she was with me.. she learned what she needs to survive and succeed. It is my goal not to smother her at this point , you know with still trying to keep the apron strings attached to her. But to let her grow and become who she really is. No matter how old she becomes or mature.. she is still my baby girl and I will always be her mama. Fly away little birdie... Fly! Fly as high as the sky will take you.. live life to the fullest and make all your dreams come true.. But don't fly forever.. cuz I miss you already and love to hear the chirp in your voice.. Come home and tell me all about your grand adventures.. I want to hear them all. If you ever start to fall, know that I am here for you and will help you in any way I can. I know that you will make some mistakes, and have heart aches a long the way.. I am here with open arms... To hug you tight cuz I know it won't be long until you fly away again and make a coop of your own.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

life is a journey

life is a journey down which road we do not know we know not the moment of conception, nor the moment of our departure. we cannot control all the events of our lives nor the people that will enter therein. we do not get to choose the parents we will have or the children we will bare. we do not get to compare our lives to that of others and say i wish to trade. we get what we get and have to make choices and face decisions for each particular day. first we are fed and dressed to someone else's preference. after a while we dress and feed ourselves to our own liking. then that fateful day will occur when we revert back to infancy and someone else must regain control of who we are and where we go. along the way we make decisions that will affect us for the rest of our lives who we love and choose to admire. we sometimes are right in those decisions and sometimes it may come back to haunt us for years to come. we make mistakes, we learn we grow we try hard to succeed... we will have many wins but unfortunately there will be losses along the way, as well. we are who we are on the inside not what people see on the outside... some may see us as tall bulky and clumsy others may see us as ugly short and fat. we are compiled into complex human beings by the people that have raised us by the world around us... we are molded in a shape that no one else can ever wear.. some may try to be like us some may never want to be like us.. but in all reality... there is only one me and only one you.. you can not fill my desires with your life and i can't fulfill my desires by trying to live yours for you . who are you and how will you affect the ones that you leave behind.. will the rock that you throw in the proverbial pond of life.. continue to make ripples long after you are gone.. or will the waters of your life go right back to being calm as if your life here on earth never had any purpose. i say live each day as if there is no tomorrow.. live today for today, forgetting the past and pressing toward the future. follow your heart down the road that has been laid out for you. love people without constraint. give generously. expect nothing in return.. smile often... step aside while someone walks by.. hold the door for another human being most of all don't worry that your life isn't perfect.. it is your life and no one else can live it for you, live and let live

Thursday, March 22, 2012

A Long Hard Journey

Once upon a time, there was a little girl who had a dream of growing up to find her Prince Charming.. that he would come riding into her life on his white gleaming horse and save her from all that had been done to destroy her life.
He would slay all the dragons and bring her flowers a plenty.
Prince Charming would have it all together, never swear, never ever cause a tear to flow down her soft cheeks. He would work to make their lives together perfect, with nothing left aside.
Prince Charming would be a wonderful husband and a great provider, who was a terrific father, tender, caring and stern.
Prince Charming would tenderly love her for all she was worth, until her final breath, he would bestow on her a magical love that only seemed real in fairy tales.
One day, the little girl grew up and realized that her life's dream wasn't going to happen.. there wouldn't be a happily ever after.. she would grow old, but not with Prince Charming.. No rather
He would get arrested not once but twice for crimes he didn't commit. He would be found guilty by two separate juries. He would be sentenced to 25-50 years in prison.
Our lady came to the understanding that unless the Lord God himself moved on this matter for their behalf.. she would be a prison widow. She would spend many nights alone, crying herself to sleep... knowing that the dreams were shattered almost beyond repair..
Our lady, gave every bit of effort to raise their four children, to the glory of God. It was a long lonely journey, one of which our lady pondered what was the reason for her continuing on this long hard journey.. for a reward from God in the end..
Her heart longed to be soothed by love, but our lady knew it was next to impossible.
Her only hope and prayer is that one day, the Lord will intervene and that he will stay close beside her on this long hard journey.
That the Lord will hold her hand when she is lonely, that he will wrap His arms around her when she is sobbing out of control. That He will be her husbandman when her heart feels that it will break and shatter once again in her chest.
That God will grant her mercy when her nerves are frazzled by whining fussing and arguing children that never want to give her a moment's peace.
That God will provide for her financially and take care of all her needs and maybe even now and again, throw in a want or two (for some sanity).
Our Lady has determined that she will trust the Lord in the good and the bad and that one day when she stands before Him at the end of her long hard journey that the Lord will say "Well done, my good and faithful daughter, well done!" "Welcome home...to the mansion that I have been preparing for you." "Welcome Home!"